Extreme rods at Bukovelі Roller Coaster zipline

Polyanytsya, Gіrskolizhniy resort Bukovel
Descent on the roller coaster zipline in polyanitsa. buy tickets at a discount.
Descent on the roller coaster zipline in polyanitsa. buy tickets at a discount.
Roller coaster descent in polyanytsya. buy tickets for the promotion.
Descent on the zipline roller koster in bukovel. buy a ticket at a discount.
Descent on the zipline roller koster in bukovel. buy a ticket at a discount.
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Extreme entertainment roller bonfire zipline in bukovel. buy a ticket at a discount.
Extreme entertainment roller bonfire zipline in bukovel. buy a ticket at a discount.
Descent on the zipline roller koster in bukovel. buy a ticket at a discount.
Extreme entertainment roller bonfire zipline in bukovel. buy a ticket at a discount.
Extreme entertainment roller bonfire zipline in bukovel. buy a ticket at a discount.
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Zipline attraction roller bonfire in bukovel. buy a ticket for the promotion.
Descent to the zipline roller koster in bukovel. buy a ticket at a discount.

About company Roller Coaster zipline

ROLLER COASTER ZIPLINE - your own American girki in bukovelsky style, захdinі in Western Ukraine. Z_playn zapopit usih lovers of extreme fit i skravikh enmity vid vidpochinku. All-inclusive, grave and steep descent through the pipe, a kind of giftє without any emotion.

Hot Roller Bonfire Zipline і get involved in extreme bells, children with big bets to try zalyubki try out your heart at such a way. The installation is absolutely safety-free, it is mounted with pre-installed safety and security equipment, and the construction and professional design are professional.


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Roller Coaster Zipline - extreme slopes without lis

Polyanytsya is a Transcarpathian village, all over Ukraine and beyond the borders of the glorious Girskolizhizhny resort “Bukovel”. Itself here in Ukraine you know rozvinenu and infrastructure of raznomannitnyh rozvag, as vlitku, so і charge. In addition to sports in Bukovel, it is famous for its extreme vidpochkom, as there is a fair amount of it.

The company ROLLER COASTER is dedicated to extremists and lovers of spiritual love to try one of their extreme extras - ZIPLINE at Bukovelі.

In Ukraine, there are two less Roller Coaster Zipline, one in the resort village Polyanitsya.

Nakstalt American girkam on you check вид shvidkіst, vіter in the guise of, neymirniy kraєvid, visochin, cool and turn and turn. You’ll go down from Tіlka along the steel pipe Zіplayn, closed mіzh tree Karpatskogo lіsu.

Roller Coaster Zipline love navigation

Navigate a little bit like a trinket, an extrem ’nibbler and a naughty little dog for your life to go downhill on a sled from a high mountain, don’t be afraid to be scared Roler Koster Zіplain. Remember, mi, people, on the vіdmіnu vid kіshok, living once more. There may be a new one, a new way of being more hostile, a few undecided sides of your special abilities, and a good taste of life.

All right! Tse cool! Neymovirno! - such is the first hostility of the dermal, which occurs on the roller Rollercoaster at Bukovelі.

Do not be amazed at those who want the Roller Coaster Zipline to get involved in extreme diving, who love it. Organizers admit children vіd vіd 6 rockіv.

Tse is absolutely eternal:

  • construction is made of steel
  • mounting mechanism zgіdno all vimog bezpeki tech
  • We want to go down the Roller Coaster Zipline pipe; we need to have the necessary equipment, the required amount of insurance, and the insurance mechanism
  • you fly zi shvidkіstyu up to 40 km / year
  • dovzhina descent of warehouse warehouse дор 500 meters
  • Zipline Bukovelsky g_rok fastenings on hight up to 15 meters


  • 2 descents - 300 UAH
  • video with you - 50 UAH